Har legendariske ENTRANCE fået en arvtager med Mads la Cour på flygelhorn udi cinematic indie-jazz?!
Tilbage i 80’erne fyldte Palle Mikkelborgs Entrance Montmartre i Nørregade til randen. Hans måske største band nogensinde gav fusionsjazzen en ny lyd med kombinationen af flygelhorn og masser af synth. Nogle gange følsomt og ædelt, andre gange eksplosivt og insisterende.
Mød nu 40 år senere Andorra med den fremragende trompetist i DRs Bigband Mads la Cour i front på flygehorn, der har samlet handsken op og bringer lyden og ånden fra Entrance videre i en ny tid.
Jazznyt skriver: “Andorra er filmisk indie-jazz… Musikere, der har hørt Radiohead i deres yngre dage mens de spillede jazz og nu er blevet modne og forsøger at skabe ro med lækre klangflader mellem de ekspressive dele.”
“Mads la Cour spiller lange svævende toner. Det suppleres af Simon Krebs’ alsidige guitarspil, Peter Kohlmetz Møllers Rhodes og Keys, og rytmegruppen der kan sin rock.”
Nummeret Mother Tongue bygger op til en kosmisk eksplosion.
Mads La Cour, flugelhorn
Simon Krebs, guitar
Peter Kohlmetz Møller, keys
Morten Jørgensen, bass
Nikolaj Bundvig, drums
Back in the 80s, Palle Mikkelborgs Entrance filled Montmartre in Nørregade to the brim. His perhaps greatest band ever gave fusion jazz a new sound with the combination of flugelhorn and lots of synth. Sometimes sensitive and gentle, at other times explosive and insistent.
Now, meet Andorra, 40 years later: With the excellent trumpeter in DR's Big Band Mads la Cour in front on horn. They have picked up the gauntlet and continues the sound and spirit of Entrance into a new era.
Jazznyt writes: ""Andorra is cinematic indie-jazz... Musicians who listened to Radiohead in their younger days while playing jazz and have now matured and try to create calmness with delicious timbres between the expressive parts.""
“Mads la Cour plays long floating notes. It is complemented by Simon Krebs' versatile guitar playing, Peter Kohlmetz Møller's Rhodes and Keys, and the rhythm group that can rock.""
The track Mother Tongue builds up to a cosmic explosion."
Doors open
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