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Jan Lundgren / Warren Vaché / Jacob Fischer / Thomas Fonnesbæk


Varm hyggejazz fra et all-stars band på tværs af USA og Skandinavien

Alle fire musikere kunne hver for sig alene fylde huset med begejstrede fans. Men nu har de fire valgt at komme samtidig - på samme scene til en ren stjernefest.

All-stars-holdet er anført af den internationalt kendte svenske pianist Jan Lundgren, som har hentet en af USAs førende trompetister til Danmark, Warren Vaché Jr. Han er en kæmpe hjemme i staterne, og har bl.a. spillet med Benny Goodman, Benny Carter, Hank Jones, Gerry Mulligan, Phil Woods og Alvin Queen.

De får førsteklasses opbakning af to danske giganter, guitaristen Jacob Fischer og bassisten Thomas Fonnesbæk.

Så der er dømt swing og hygge disse to aftner under Vinterjazz-festivalen i Montmartre.


Jan Lundgren, piano (SE)
Warren Vaché Jr, cornet (US)
Jacob Fischer, guitar (DK)
Thomas Fonnesbæk, bass (DK)


All four musicians could individually fill the house with enthusiastic fans. But the four great artists have chosen to appear on the same stage at the same time for an all-stars party.

The top team is led by the internationally renowned Swedish pianist Jan Lundgren, who has brought one of the World's leading cornetists to Denmark, Warren Vaché Jr. He is a giant back home in the States, and has, among others, played with Benny Goodman, Benny Carter, Hank Jones, Gerry Mulligan, Phil Woods and Alvin Queen.

They get first-class support from guitarist Jacob Fischer and bassist Thomas Fonnesbæk.

So it will be swinging these two evenings during the Winter Jazz Festival at Montmartre.



Doors open





Get the full experience and enjoy a delicious dinner before the concert. This is a concept we offer on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Order your dinner when you buy tickets.

Read more about our Jazz & Food here.

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