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Peter Bernstein (US) & Jesse Van Ruller


To forrygende guitarister fra hver side af Atlanten kommer til Montmartre

To jazzguitarister i verdensklasse har fundet sammen i denne duo. Peter Bernstein (USA) og Jesse Van Ruller (Holland) har begge været en del af eliten af moderne jazz i årevis, og begge har med brillant teknisk overskud og forankret i jazzguitarens historie fundet nye veje gennem improvisation. Siden starten af 1990’erne har Peter Bernstein tilhørt den absolutte elite indenfor New Yorker-jazz. Dette har han bevist gennem sit duo-samarbejde med pianisten Brad Mehldau, som sideman for fx. Diana Krall og Dr. Lonnie Smith, såvel som i sin trio med Larry Goldings og Bill Stewart. Jesse van Ruller vandt den prestigefyldte Thelonious Monk Award i Washington i 1995.
Et spændende møde med to beslægtede, men alligevel dybt forskellige instrumentalister, der med garanti vil bruge koncerten på at udfordre hinanden og sig selv. Og helt sikkert publikum.


Peter Bernstein - guitar (US)
Jesse Van Ruller - guitar (NL)


Two world-class jazz guitarists have come together in this duo. Peter Bernstein (USA) and Jesse Van Ruller (Netherlands) have both been part of the elite of modern jazz for years, and both have, with brilliant technical prowess and rooted in the history of jazz guitar, found new paths through improvisation. Since the early 1990s, Peter Bernstein has belonged to the absolute elite within New Yorker jazz. He has proven this through his duo collaboration with pianist Brad Mehldau, as a sideman for e.g. Diana Krall and Dr. Lonnie Smith, as well as in his trio with Larry Goldings and Bill Stewart. Jesse van Ruller won the prestigious Thelonious Monk Award in Washington in 1995.
An exciting meeting of two related, yet profoundly different instrumentalists who are guaranteed to use the concert to challenge each other and themselves. And certainly the audience.



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Get the full experience and enjoy a delicious dinner before the concert. This is a concept we offer on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Order your dinner when you buy tickets.

Read more about our Jazz & Food here.

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