đ´ Philip Catherine - Martin Wind -European Legend (SOLD OUT)

lørdag den 22. marts 2025
Oplev en af Europas største jazzguitarister nogensinde
Belgiske Philip Catherine er ubetinget en af europĂŚisk jazzâs store legender pĂĽ guitar. Tilbage i Montmartre (i Nørregade) i slut 1970erne var hans legekammerater NHĂP og Billy Hart, og sammen fyldte de lokalet med den skønneste musik. NHĂP er ikke hos os mere, men det er Catherine, og han fylder stadig verden med den skønneste musik.
Hans specielle syngende klang pĂĽ den fine, gamle Gibson har fortsat bĂĽde skønhed, rytmisk sikkerhed samt ikke mindst Catherines specialitet; at fusionere âold-time-jazzguitarâ med hans højst nutidige mĂĽde at gĂĽ til den seksstrengede pĂĽ.
Philip Catherine har hørt bĂĽde Jim Hall og Jimi Hendrix og alt hvad der siden er kommet, og han âforsøderâ ogsĂĽ sin egen lyd med diskret anvendte pedaler.
I Catherine selskab denne aften skal vi opleve den yderst velspillende og fornemt backende bassist Martin Wind, der bakker legenden op men ogsĂĽ mestrer nogle imponerende soli.
Belgian Philip Catherine is undoubtedly one of the great legends of European jazz on guitar. Back in Montmartre (in Nørregade) in the late 1970s, his playmates were NHĂP and Billy Hart, and together they filled the room with the most beautiful music. NHĂP is no longer with us, but Catherine is, and he still fills the world with the most beautiful music.
His special singing sound on the fine, old Gibson still has both beauty, rhythmic certainty and not least Catherine's specialty; merging "old-time jazz guitar" with his highly contemporary way of approaching the six-string.
Philip Catherine has heard both Jim Hall and Jimi Hendrix and everything that has come since, and he also "sweetens" his own sound with discreetly used pedals.
In Catherine's company this evening we will experience the extremely well-playing and distinguished backing bassist Martin Wind, who supports the legend but also masters some impressive solos.
Philip Catherine - guitar
Martin Wind - bass
lørdag den 22. marts 2025
Doors open
360 DKK
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