torsdag den 16. oktober 2025
Lækker melodisk jazz med to fremragende horn i front
Lyden af danske OTOOTO er lækre analoge synthesizere kombineret med to fløjlsbløde horn i front og masser vellyd.
De har tidligere fyldt både Vega og Studie 2 i DRs koncertsal, men nu har du chancen for at opleve denne fremstormende kvintet helt tæt på.
Bandet består af nogle af de dygtigste unge danske jazzmusikere fra næste generation. De har formet og rafineret deres vellyd siden undfangelsen i 2020, og allerede nu har de tre albums ude og er er efterspurgte på jazz-festivaler over hele verden.
OTOOTO byder på melodiske, svævende, cinematiske og dansable beats. Men i den grad også ørehængere og modige improvisationer.
Kom og oplev instrumentalistisk ekvilibrisme fra en ny generation af kunstnere, der viser nye veje frem for moderne dansk jazz med masser af elementer fra neo-soul og groovy R&B.
The sound of Danish OTOOTO is delicious analog synthesizers combined with two velvety horns in the front and lots of melodiousness.
They have previously filled both Vega and Studio 2 in DR's concert hall, but now you have the chance to experience this up-and-coming quintet up close.
The band consists of some of the most talented young Danish jazz musicians from the next generation. They have shaped and refined their melodious sound since their conception in 2020, and already have three albums out and are in demand at jazz festivals all over the world.
OTOOTO offers melodic, soaring, cinematic and danceable beats. But also ear-catching and courageous improvisations.
Come and experience instrumentalist equilibration from a new generation of artists who show new paths forward for modern Danish jazz with lots of elements from neo-soul and groovy R&B.
Jonas Due (trumpet/flugelhorn),
Oilly Wallace (alto sax/flute),
Calle Brickman (keys),
Andreas Svendsen (drums/percussion)
Matthias Petri (bass).
torsdag den 16. oktober 2025
Doors open
320 DKK
Get the full experience and enjoy a delicious dinner before the concert. This is a concept we offer on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Order your dinner when you buy tickets.
Read more about our Jazz & Food here.