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🟠 Bobo Moreno / Bo Stief / Ole Kock Hansen (FEW LEFT)

fredag den 27. december 2024



Bobo fester igennem med soul og stil

Siden slutningen af 1980’erne, har Bobo Moreno sunget sig ind i hjerterne på musikelskere i hele landet. Her optræder han traditionen tro mellem jul og nytår op med de to Montmartre-legender, Bo Stief og Ole Kock Hansen, så det swinger. Det der har gjort Bobo verdensberømt i Danmark, er evnen til at begejstre sit publikum med en alsidig stemme. Gennem årene har han arbejdet med de største navne herhjemme, fra Sanne Salomonsen og D:A:D, til Radioens Big Band og Birthe Kjær. Også mange TV-optrædener er det blevet til, med medvirken i en bred vifte af musik- og underholdningsshows. Man har endda kunne både høre og se ham i et enkelt afsnit af DR’s Krøniken. Han kan desuden skrive ‘Kongelig Hofleverandør’ på visitkortet, efter en TV transmitteret optræden på Christiansborg, i forbindelse med kronprinsebrylluppet.


Since the late 1980s, Bobo Moreno has sung his way into the hearts of music lovers across the country. Here, according to tradition, he performs between Christmas and New Year with the two Montmartre legends, Bo Stief and Ole Kock Hansen, so things swing. What has made Bobo world famous in Denmark is the ability to excite his audience with a versatile voice. Over the years, he has worked with the biggest names in Denmark, from Sanne Salomonsen and D:A:D, to Radioen's Big Band and Birthe Kjær. It has also resulted in many TV appearances, with participation in a wide range of music and entertainment shows. You have even been able to both hear and see him in a single episode of DR's Chronicle. He can also write 'Royal Court supplier' on the business card, after a televised appearance at Christiansborg, in connection with the crown prince's wedding.


Bobo Moreno, vocals,
Ole Kock Hansen, piano,
Bo Stief, bass.


fredag den 27. december 2024



Doors open



360 DKK

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Read more about our Jazz & Food here.

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