🔴 Cæcilie Norby In Wonderland (SOLD OUT)
søndag den 22. december 2024
A Jazzy Christmas - and a happy new year
Cæcilie Norbys julekoncerter i Montmartre er en tradition. Hun anses for at være en af de mest markante og skelsættende vokalister på den europæiske scene. For nylig fyldte vokalfacetternes dronning 60 år, hvilket hun fejrer disse aftner med en eksklusiv tour rundt i hendes skønne sange, bl.a. fra hendes nye album SIXTY. Hun har skrevet en perlerække af selvbiografiske numre, svøbt i det lækreste, funk, pop og soul. Cæcilie Norbys koncerter er en fejring af musikalsk diversitet og stort overskud. Hendes evne til at bevæge sig ubesværet mellem forskellige genrer og hendes dybe forbindelse med publikum gør en hver koncert til en unik oplevelse. For både gamle fans og nye lyttere er en koncert med Cæcilie Norby en uforglemmelig oplevelse. Hun engagerer sig med publikum gennem personlige anekdoter, humor og en varm tilstedeværelse, hvilket gør hendes koncerter både underholdende og rørende.
Cæcilie Norby's Christmas concerts in Montmartre are a tradition. She is considered to be one of the most distinctive and seminal vocalists on the European scene. The queen of vocal facets recently turned 60, which she celebrates these evenings with an exclusive tour of her beautiful songs, including from her new album SIXTY. She has written a string of autobiographical songs, wrapped in the most delicious, funk, pop and soul. Cæcilie Norby's concerts are a celebration of musical diversity and great excess. Her ability to move effortlessly between different genres and her deep connection with the audience make every concert a unique experience. For old fans and new listeners alike, a concert with Cæcilie Norby is an unforgettable experience. She engages with the audience through personal anecdotes, humor and a warm presence, making her concerts both entertaining and moving.
Cæcilie Norby (DK), vocals
Ulf Wakenius (SE), guitar
Lars Danielsson (SE), bass
Magnus Öström (SE), drums
søndag den 22. december 2024
Doors open
450 DKK
Get the full experience and enjoy a delicious dinner before the concert. This is a concept we offer on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Order your dinner when you buy tickets.
Read more about our Jazz & Food here.