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Rasmus Sørensen Quintet

torsdag den 20. marts 2025



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Denne unge fremstormende pianist bjergtog mange som en årets overraskelse på Ærø Jazz Festival 2024 med sin evne til lynhurtigt at sanse musikkens indre væsen, bearbejde den på et splitsekund, for derefter at give sin helt egen version af det musikalske oplæg.
Et årelangt ophold i USA med jobs i mange forskellige musikalske sammenhænge har videreudviklet Rasmus Sørensens i forvejen store talent for at skabe sit eget musikalske univers; et univers der indeholder såvel den rytmiske energi der findes i New York, samt kig over skulderen til barndommens Jylland.
Men udover det er Rasmus Sørensen også mand for at beherske og stadigt udforske sit eget musikalske udtryk.
Her kan det unge talent høres i samarbejde med et forrygende hold musikere, der med garanti vil være med til at løfte Rasmus Sørensens kompositioner helt op under loftet.
Det er musik som udfordrer og som konstant formår at fastholde lytterens glæde og lyst til at dykke ned i forbavsende personligt og nytænkende musik. Gå ikke glip, siger vi.


This young up-and-coming pianist captivated many as the surprise of the year at the Ærø Jazz Festival 2024 with his ability to instantly sense the inner essence of the music, process it in a split second, and then give his very own version of the musical presentation.
A year-long stay in the USA with jobs in many different musical contexts has further developed Rasmus Sørensen's already great talent for creating his own musical universe; a universe that contains both the rhythmic energy found in New York, as well as a look over his shoulder to the Jutland of his childhood.
But besides that, Rasmus Sørensen is also a man to master and constantly explore his own musical expression.
Here, the young talent can be heard in collaboration with a terrific team of musicians who are guaranteed to help lift Rasmus Sørensen's compositions all the way up to the ceiling.
It is music that challenges and that constantly manages to maintain the listener's joy and desire to dive into amazingly personal and innovative music. Don't miss it, we say.


Rasmus Sørensen - Piano
Ari Bragi Karason - Trumpet
Gabor Bolla - Tenor sax
Matthias Petri - Bass
Jacob Lindberg - Drums


torsdag den 20. marts 2025



Doors open



285 DKK

Previous concert


Get the full experience and enjoy a delicious dinner before the concert. This is a concept we offer on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Order your dinner when you buy tickets.

Read more about our Jazz & Food here.

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