Lyrisk og melankolsk storbyjazz fra Hamburg
Fænomenale Hamburg-baserede AMELIA viser hvor det nye unge tyske jazz-vækstlag er på vej hen.
De har taget hul på også at slå igennem uden for Tyskland med en international turné og kommer nu til København.
Anmelderne beskriver dem som både legende og lyriske.
Der er tydelig inspiration i deres egne smukke kompositioner fra forbilleder som Aaron Parks, Bill Frisell og Ambrose Akinmusire.
Sammen søger de fire musikere efter øjeblikke af skønhed og melankoli og bringer dem til live i deres musik.
Bandet spiller sange, hvor komposition og improvisation får lige status, og melodier er i forgrunden.
Nogle gange benytter de sig af poesi og stemningsfulde lyd-optagelser som underlægning til deres leg med tonerne, som i denne lydbid i et af deres signaturnumre, Tofino:
"Is there an objective vision at all?
After all, we see with memory.
And memory is now."
Lennart Micheel, Piano & Composition
Anton Deyß, Guitar
Melanie Streitmatter, Bass
Henning Katz, Drums
Phenomenal Hamburg-based AMELIA are showing where new young German jazz is heading.
They are beginning to become known outside of Germany with an upcoming international tour where they are coming to Copenhagen to win as many new fans as they have already gained at home.
Thy are inspired in their own beautiful compositions from role models such as Aaron Parks, Bill Frisell and Ambrose Akinmusire.
Together, the four musicians search for moments of beauty and melancholy and bring them to life in their music.
The band is giving composition and improvisation equal status, with beautiful melodies at the forefront.
Sometimes they use poetry and evocative sound recordings as a backdrop for their play with tones, as in this soundbite from one of their signature songs, Tofino:
"Is there an objective vision at all?
After all, we see with memory.
And memory is now."
Doors open
Get the full experience and enjoy a delicious dinner before the concert. This is a concept we offer on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Order your dinner when you buy tickets.
Read more about our Jazz & Food here.