Iris Bergcrantz Quartet (SE)

Ny sangstjerne fortolker svensk jazz og folkemusik på sin helt egen måde
Iris Bergcrantz er med sin smukke og rene stemme et nutidigt bud på svensk vokaljazz.
Hun har lyttet til og ladet sig inspirere af alle de store vokal-forbilleder. Og alligvel har hun skabt sin egen tilgang - en ny stemme i nordisk jazz.
Hendes fraseringer er enkle, hendes formidling af de musikalske oplæg er altid teknisk overlegne, stilsikre og hele tiden med fokus på det melodisk vigtige.
Dertil kommer, at hun også formidler traditionel svensk folkemusik og jazz på sin helt egen måde. En af morgendagens store sangstjerner.
Iris Bergcrantz -Vokal
Magnus Hjorth - Piano
Anders Fjeldsted - Bas
Andreas Svendsen - Trommer
With her beautiful and pure voice, Iris Bergcrantz is a contemporary take on where Swedish vocal jazz stands today. She has listened to - and is guaranteed to be inspired by - her role models. But has nevertheless created her own approach to what only comes out of it. Her phrasing is simple, her presentation of the musical presentations is always technically superior, stylistically confident and constantly focusing on the melodically important. In addition, she also conveys traditional Swedish folk music and jazz in her own way. Here we get the opportunity to hear some of the best new from the brother country, interpreted by one of tomorrow's singing stars.
Doors open
Get the full experience and enjoy a delicious dinner before the concert. This is a concept we offer on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Order your dinner when you buy tickets.
Read more about our Jazz & Food here.