Liane Carroll - By Myself

Joviale engelske Liane Carroll synger og hyggesnakker stemningen i top
Den engelske pianist og sanger Liane Carroll er kendt for at være i konstant hyggelig kontakt med sit publikum under koncerterne. Hendes evne til at formidle kendte såvel som mindre kendte standards, hentet fra såvel jazzens som pop/rock’ens righoldige repertoire, og hendes tydelige glæde ved at optræde, giver lytteren en god fornemmelse af både at bliver underholdt og at modtage et personligt musikalsk udtryk fra en ægte performer på slap line, der evner at gå helt ind i de musikalske oplæg og give sin helt egen version af dem.
Liane Carroll er konstant til stede og på musikkens side i koncerten, samtidig med at hun ofte efterlader lytteren med et smil på læben over hendes varme og charme.
Liane Carroll - piano
The English pianist and singer Liane Carroll is known for being in constant pleasant contact with her audience during her concerts. Her ability to convey well-known as well as lesser-known standards, drawn from the rich repertoire of both jazz and pop/rock, and her clear joy in performing, gives the listener a good feeling of both being entertained and receiving a personal musical expression from a true performer on a loose line, who is able to go completely into the musical presentations and give her very own version of them.
Liane Carroll is constantly present and on the side of the music in the concert, while she often leaves the listener with a smile on her face due to her warmth and charm.
Doors open
Get the full experience and enjoy a delicious dinner before the concert. This is a concept we offer on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Order your dinner when you buy tickets.
Read more about our Jazz & Food here.