Little North

Moderne nordisk minimalisme med stor følsomhed og intensitet
Little North er kendt for en filmisk lyd og en varm, intens tilstedeværelse. Lyden af Little North er større end en klassisk klavertrio lægger op til. De byder på moderne minimalisme og nordisk jazz tradition og med stor intensitet.
Med et intuitivt sammenspil bevæger de sig ubesværet mellem improvisation og
komposition. Deres kompositioner består alle af enkle melodier i komplekse arrangementer.
Little North består af Lasse Jacobsen på trommer, Martin Brunbjerg Rasmussen på bas og Benjamin Nørholm Jacobsen på klaver. Siden 2020 har trioen fået anerkendelse for deres unikke lyd og har udgivet fem anmelderroste album.
Benjamin Nørholm Jacobsen - piano
Martin Brunbjerg Rasmussen - bass
Lasse Jacobsen - drums
Little North is known for a cinematic sound and a warm, intense presence. The sound of Little North is larger than what a traditional piano trio typically offers. They blend modern minimalism with the Nordic jazz tradition, delivering it with great intensity.
With intuitive interplay, they move effortlessly between improvisation and composition. Their compositions feature simple melodies within complex arrangements.
Little North consists of Lasse Jacobsen on drums, Martin Brunbjerg Rasmussen on bass, and Benjamin Nørholm Jacobsen on piano. Since 2020, the trio has gained recognition for their unique sound and has released five critically acclaimed albums
Doors open
Get the full experience and enjoy a delicious dinner before the concert. This is a concept we offer on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Order your dinner when you buy tickets.
Read more about our Jazz & Food here.