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Michael Wollny Trio


Tysklands førende yngre toppianist bringer fornyelse

Michael Wollny ejer ethvert flygel, han sætter sig ved. Man er ikke i tvivl. Her kommer tysk jazz’ ubetinget førende yngre pianist med en stensikker trio, der er en af stjernene hos det tyske ACT-pladeselskab. Vær klar, for der er knald på fra start til mål. Wollny og flyglet er på samme side og resultatet af deres dans med hinanden er bjergtagende. De to elsker i den grad elsker at lege med hinanden.
Det er på én gang udfordrende og stærkt tilfredsstillende, fordi Michael Wollny ved, hvad han har gang i, og hvor han vil hen; udfordre sine lyttere det ene øjeblik og kæle for dem det næste. En sand fornyer af tysk jazz.


Michael Wollny - piano
Tim Lefebvre - bass
Eric Schaefer - drums


Michael Wollny owns every grand piano he sits down at. There's no doubt about it. Here comes German jazz's undisputed leading young pianist with a rock-solid trio, one of the stars of the German ACT record label. Be prepared, because it's going to be a blast from start to finish. Wollny and the grand piano are on the same side... The result is breathtaking. And although some notes will certainly be knocked down along the way, the process gives the impression that the two really love playing with each other.
At the same time it's challenging and very satisfying, because Michael Wollny knows what he's doing and where he wants to go; he'll challenge his listeners one moment and pamper them the next. Because there's also room for pampering. A true innovator of German jazz.



Doors open





Get the full experience and enjoy a delicious dinner before the concert. This is a concept we offer on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Order your dinner when you buy tickets.

Read more about our Jazz & Food here.

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